Islamist Fundamentalism: Whither the Papacy & Canterbury?

I have been having some difficulty in understanding the mind of the Canterbury, the Seat of the Anglican Church, and The Papacy-i.e The Pope, on the much-trumpeted issues of Islamization and mass murder/massacre of the Christian communities across the world with emphasis as it affects Nigeria and even with emphasis on the IGBO Group. Can somebody help throw some light?Although I am a Catholic but yet am unable to read or decode the body movement of the Pope on issues of Islamization and arbitrary massacre of Christians in Nigeria. In the case of the Canterbury, which represents the headquarters of Anglican Communion in the World, they brought the Bible here but during the Nigerian Civil war, the British government supported the Koran thus aiding and abetting the massacre of Christians in the secessionist Biafra enclave. It was because of the pathological hatred of the Biafra’s secessionist policy by the British government that the United States did not come out in full support of the secessionist Biafran agenda.\
During the Civil WAR, the Catholic church was a strong ally of the people of Biafra but today, I am unable to understand where the Pope or Papacy stands on the so-called islamization and indiscriminate massacre of Christians not only in Nigeria but globally. The Papacy has been very conspicuous in its conspiracy of silence and even have been making some conciliatory overtures to the Islamists. Of course, the British Government remains the best friend and mentor of the Islamic North of Nigeria, even though the Muslims of Northern Nigeria describe the Christians of the South as infidels who must be exterminated or ruthlessly dealt with. So, what is really happening with the PAPACY and the CANTERBURY on the contemporary issues in Nigeria? How can these groups-Papacy and Anglican Canterbury- dump the Bible here only to aid our annihilation by the agents of Islam?What an irony!
But for the fact that the Papacy appears to have joined the conspiracy of the British Government, this viewpoint would not have been necessary. After all, the pathological hatred of the British Government on Ndigbo is so well known. The British Government is a demonic and most dangerous hangout in the world of democracy; they are adepts in the game of hate, subtlety and duplicity. Its claim of running a democracy is in doubt, if anything, it is a potpourri of monarchy and managed democracy. So, politicians in the south of Nigeria must keep a safe distance from the British Government because it does not mean well for the Christians in Nigeria, especially the Igbo group. Her demonic policy on the Amalgamation of Nigeria in 1914 was on the grounds of enlightened self-interest and administrative convenience and not that it meant well for Nigeria. It was the British government that surreptitiously planted crises in the foundation of Nigeria in order to ensure that the Muslim North must rule Nigeria in perpetuity.This issue will be elaborated elsewhere soon.
So, it is very frustrating that at a time a powerful pro-Christian politician, Donald Trump, has emerged as the President of the United States, the PAPACY appears to be more interested in hobnobbing with the Islamists in Nigeria and elsewhere. Since Muhammadu Buhari emerged as President of Nigeria in 2015, all manner of persecution and reckless massacre of Christians has taken place in the nooks and crannies of Nigeria, yet I do not quite remember any concise statement from the PAPACY on these avoidable deaths and genocide against the Christians. We are even hearing that the Papacy has denounced the decision of the President Donald Trump on combating Muslim irredentism and fanaticism. The Papacy has even condemned the decision of Donald Trump to review its immigration policies in order to checkmate the combativeness and fundamentalism of Islamists in the world. In the midst of this turbulence, the ecclesiastical leaders in the Anglican and THE Catholic Churches remain mute, taciturn and laconic. So, what is happening? In Nigeria , the vicars of Christ in Catholicism are not telling us the mind of the Papacy on the emerging Muslim irredentism and atavism across Nigeria. We are confused and this has become a difficult time to be a devout Catholic in Nigeria.
More painful is the fact that in the face of this barefaced act of hostility to Christians, the Protestant /Anglican Church parades itself as the Anglican Communion. Why not Nigerian Communion, Igbo Communion, African Communion or even Black Communion. Why use the label-Anglican Communion? Why are the members of the Protestant/Anglican Church in Nigeria afraid to sever relationship with the Canterbury, knowing full well that the Head of the Anglican Church must of necessity be a British. This is unlike the Catholic Church where the Pope can emerge from any part of the world. At least this can be a conciliatory reason for Catholics in Africa to live on hope. What this arrangement means is that any non-British faithful in the Anglican Communion is a slave/ inferior person. Is this the plan of God that anyone outside the British Mafia must be of inferior quality to a Briton?.Why this parasitic and slavish attachment to the British as if they were a superior race to the extent that we have on our volition accepted to become slaves to the Cantebury. It is high time the faith-based leaders of the Anglican and Catholic Churches took a serious look on this issue in order to pull the churches from the brink. Do we really need such institutions as the Knighthood and related groups, more so, when there is abundant verifiable evidence that most of the crises in the larger society, especially in the political sector, are traceable to the actions and inactions of our so-called big men in the two churches of Protestantism and Catholicism. In order to bring the message of this report to the grass roots, there is a need for the reader to peruse two critical statements made by two Muslims leaders in Nigeria:
Sanusi Lamido Sanusi’s outburst on the Igbo in 1999
“They have been defeated in war, rendered paupers by monetary policy fiat, their properties declared abandoned and confiscated, kept out of strategic public sector appointments and deprived of public services. The rest of the country forced them to remain in Nigeria and have continued to deny them equity. The Northern Bourgeoisie and the Yoruba Bourgeoisie class conspired to keep the Igbo out of the scheme of things. In the recent PDP election primaries when the Igbos solidly supported the PDP in the hope of an Ekwueme presidency, the North and South- West treated this as a Biafra project and every rule set for the primaries, every gentleman’s agreement set aside to ensure that Obasanjo not Ekwueme emerged as the candidate. Now, with this government, the marginalization of Igbo is more complete than ever before. The Igbos have taken all these quietly because they reason they brought it upon themselves. But the nation is sitting on a time- bomb.”
(Being statement by Alhaji Sanusi Lamido Sanusi @ a Conference in AREWA HOUSE, KADUNA, Kaduna, Nigeria on 11th-12th September, 1999).
It is instructive to note that what is today described as the Boko Haram menace came in the aftermath of a Fatwa from the Sultan of Sokoto while addressing a summit of Northern Emirs in Kaduna in 2007.
Speaking at a meeting of Northern Traditional Rulers(Emirs) at Arewa House ,Kaduna, the Sultan of Sokoto Alhaji SA’AD Abubakar the 3rd said that the upsurge of Christian Evangelism in the North is worrisome adding that such spread of Christian faith makes it urgent that the message of Islam should be proclaimed loud and clear. The Sultan vowed to counter the overpowering evangelism of the Christian religion in Nigeria. He urged the adherents of Jamatru Nasril Islam(JNI) to move and counter the spread of Christian Evangelism in the North.
Please refer to the Leader newspaper of JULY 15,2007 PAGE 1, and The Daily Champion newspaper of JULY 5,2007, PAGES 1&6). A stitch in time saves nine.
It is disturbing that at time the PAPACY and the Canterbury are dead silent and even engaging in outbursts against President Trump on the grounds of his controversial immigration policy, the UAE FOREIGN MINISTER,SHEIKH ABDULLAH bin Zayed AL Nahyan just spoke to Al Jaazeera TV in Abu Dhabi and he stated his opinion clearly in support of PRESIDENT TRUMP'S POLICY ON IMMIGRATION.
Now hear the minister
:"President Donald Trump's recent order barring citizens from seven countries to enter U.S isn't Islamophobic and does not target a single religion. The United States has taken a decision that is within the American sovereign decision. There are attempts to give the impression that this decision is directed against a particular religion but what proves this talk to be incorrect first is what the U.S administration itself says....that this decision is not directed at certain religion”, he told the Al Jazeera TV.The foreign minister supported the decision of President Donald Trump in barring some countries from entering U,S because those seven countries face challenges which they need to address first.”
It is pertinent to report that a few days ago, President Trump signed an order which bars nationals from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days. It also bars refugees from entering the country for 120 days. The foreign minister of United African Emirate, UAE, has supported the decision of President Trump even when THE PAPACY and THE CANTERBURY maintain an apparently hostile or confrontational posture. Is this good?
Now , if such a top Muslim as the foreign minister of UAE can lend support to the U.S President ,Donald Trump, on his purported controversial immigration policy, why are the leaders of the Catholic Church-THE PAPACY-and the Canterbury-The Archbishop of Canterbury -prevaricating, equivocating, and vacillating when instant action is of the essence..Why is this so? Can the POPE and the Archbishop of Canterbury love Muslims more than UAE?


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