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Omo Agege, A Convicted Felon, California Records Indicate

AUGUSTINE O. OMO-AGEGE [#162185], 34, of Los Angeles was placed on interim suspension effective May 30, 1996, following his conviction for violating California Penal Code §470, forgery, a felony offense involving moral turpitude. He was ordered to comply with rule 955.
Posted on June 19, 2019, 2:23 pm
Recent developments in Africa’s most populous country, Nigeria indicates the young democracy continues its climb up a steep slope against near insurmountable odds. This is as political players within the various arms of the government exhibit markers of roguery and gangsterism.
Of particular mention is the recently concluded [June 13, 2019] internal elections for the officers of the National Assembly for the upper and lower chambers where Senator Ahmed Lawan [representing Yobe State North district] was elected as the Senate President and Senator Ovie Omo Agege [representing Delta State Central district] was elected as the Deputy Senate President.
Available information indicates the Senators of the National Assembly may have erred in their selection of their officers. Documentary evidence points to the person of Senator Ovie Omo Agege as having a background record of having been convicted of a felony in the United States of America.
According to the information which is available publicly, the Barrister Ovie Omo Agege while a resident of the United States of America [In California] was a registered and practicing lawyer with license number #162185. He was admitted to the California Bar in December 14, 1992. His official office address used to register with the California Lawyers Association (CLA), an independent organization, was Augustine O. Omo-Agege, 10221 River Rd, # 61001, Potomac, MD 20859. But he was resident in Los Angeles, California. His office was situated along Cranshew Boulevard in Los Angeles, California.
Four years after being admitted to California bar on May 30, 1996, Ovie Omo Agege was suspended from the California bar. Hewas placed on interim suspension following his conviction for violating California Penal Code §470, forgery, a felony offense involving moral turpitude. He was ordered to comply with rule 955.

California Penal Code §470 is explained below:

CHAPTER 4. Forgery and Counterfeiting [470 – 483.5]  ( Chapter 4 enacted 1872. )

(a) Every person who, with the intent to defraud, knowing that he or she has no authority to do so, signs the name of another person or of a fictitious person to any of the items listed in subdivision (d) is guilty of forgery.
(b) Every person who, with the intent to defraud, counterfeits or forges the seal or handwriting of another is guilty of forgery.
(c) Every person who, with the intent to defraud, alters, corrupts, or falsifies any record of any will, codicil, conveyance, or other instrument, the record of which is by law evidence, or any record of any judgment of a court or the return of any officer to any process of any court, is guilty of forgery.
(d) Every person who, with the intent to defraud, falsely makes, alters, forges, or counterfeits, utters, publishes, passes or attempts or offers to pass, as true and genuine, any of the following items, knowing the same to be false, altered, forged, or counterfeited, is guilty of forgery: any check, bond, bank bill, or note, cashier’s check, traveler’s check, money order, post note, draft, any controller’s warrant for the payment of money at the treasury, county order or warrant, or request for the payment of money, receipt for money or goods, bill of exchange, promissory note, order, or any assignment of any bond, writing obligatory, or other contract for money or other property, contract, due bill for payment of money or property, receipt for money or property, passage ticket, lottery ticket or share purporting to be issued under the California State Lottery Act of 1984, trading stamp, power of attorney, certificate of ownership or other document evidencing ownership of a vehicle or undocumented vessel, or any certificate of any share, right, or interest in the stock of any corporation or association, or the delivery of goods or chattels of any kind, or for the delivery of any instrument of writing, or acquittance, release or discharge of any debt, account, suit, action, demand, or any other thing, real or personal, or any transfer or assurance of money, certificate of shares of stock, goods, chattels, or other property whatever, or any letter of attorney, or other power to receive money, or to receive or transfer certificates of shares of stock or annuities, or to let, lease, dispose of, alien, or convey any goods, chattels, lands, or tenements, or other estate, real or personal, or falsifies the acknowledgment of any notary public, or any notary public who issues an acknowledgment knowing it to be false; or any matter described in subdivision (b).
(e) Upon a trial for forging any bill or note purporting to be the bill or note of an incorporated company or bank, or for passing, or attempting to pass, or having in possession with intent to pass, any forged bill or note, it is not necessary to prove the incorporation of the bank or company by the charter or act of incorporation, but it may be proved by general reputation; and persons of skill are competent witnesses to prove that the bill or note is forged or counterfeited.
(Amended by Stats. 2005, Ch. 295, Sec. 5. Effective January 1, 2006.)
By August 1998, Ovie Omo Agege was readmitted to the Bar, only to be placed on probation by the December of 1998. He remained under probation and inactive until 2012 when he was readmitted.
Stolen / kidnapped mace
The latest information comes against the allegation against Ovie Omo Agege of having sponsored the kidnapping of the Senate Mace, the symbol of authority.

See below for source information.


Attorney Licensee Profile

Augustine Ovie Omo-Agege #162185
License Status: Active
Address: Augustine O. Omo-Agege, 10221 River Rd, # 61001, Potomac, MD 20859
County: Non-California County
Phone Number: (661) 472-7843
Fax Number: (661) 472-7843
Email: Not Available
Law School: See Registration Card;

License Status, Disciplinary and Administrative History

Below you will find all changes of license status due to both non-disciplinary administrative matters and disciplinary actions.
Date License Status Discipline Administrative Action
Present Active

9/21/2017 Active

9/1/2017 Not Eligible To Practice Law in California
Admin Inactive/MCLE noncompliance
7/3/2012 Active

7/1/2011 Not Eligible To Practice Law in California
Suspended, failed to pay Bar fees
7/1/2011 Not Eligible To Practice Law in California
Admin Inactive/MCLE noncompliance
Probation with conditions 94-C-14401
8/31/1998 Active

5/30/1996 Not Eligible To Practice Law in California Interim suspension after conviction 94-C-14401
12/14/1992 Admitted to The State Bar of California
CLA Sections: None
California Lawyers Association (CLA) is an independent organization and is not part of The State Bar of California.

May 30, 1996
AUGUSTINE O. OMO-AGEGE [#162185], 34, of Los Angeles was placed on interim suspension effective May 30, 1996, following his conviction for violating California Penal Code §470, forgery, a felony offense involving moral turpitude. He was ordered to comply with rule 955.


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